The Leading Journal of Adventure Time Research, Commentary, and Analysis
Tim Hwang and Darby Smith, Editors
Volume One - Winter 2014
Jonathan Bradley - Princess Politics
Power and Prosperity in Post-Apocalyptic Ooo
Andrew Crocker and Parker Higgins - "Dog Liver Times 51!"
On Being the Jake Size
Haley Flannery - Daddy, Why Did You Eat My Fries?
The Role of Parent-Child Relationships in Adventure Time
Carly Kocurek - The Consoling Console
BMO and the Domestication of Robots
John Shutt and Thomas Shutt - Music, Magic, and Memory
Some Observations Regarding Simon Petrikov
Heather Smith - Adventure Time and Apocalypse Literature
On the End of the World
Eric Thurm - Maturity in Adventure Time
Jake The Dog, New Jersey, and Season Six